Phone: (703) 639-0950 Fax: (703)-663-8730
Phone: (703) 639-0950 Fax: (703)-663-8730
Body Kinetics Rehab Offers Occupational Therapy in Annandale office. Our highly experienced Occupational Therapists work to improve & maximize skills for daily living. Fine-motor skills, Sensory processing skills, Cognition, Feeding skills, Visual processing abilities, Orthopedic Conditions, Upper extremity/hand disorders etc.
Our Occupational Therapy for kids services are very popular. Adult Occupational Therapy Services are customized to individual's needs. An occupational therapy evaluation assesses fine motor, visual motor integration, visual perceptual, and sensory integration skills through the use of various standardized assessments and clinical observations
Fine Motor Development requires the development of strength, postural control and bilateral integration abilities. Once these skills are developed, finer movements such as grasping, manipulating objects and self-help skills can be addressed.
Visual Motor/Visual Perceptual skills involve spatial awareness and coordination of eye hand movements necessary for writing, cutting, and constructional tasks.
Sensory Integration is the ability to register and integrate information from the environment via their senses. Integration of sensory information is necessary for attention, body awareness, motor planning and alertness.
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